The Dirt Diva

Tailoring your garden to your needs!

Our Services

We consider ourselves an ecological gardening company because we take into consideration the relationship between plants and animals in natural communities, and work to enhance those relationships by supporting biodiversity, using native plants, supporting wildlife, and avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides as much as possible. By following these principles we are able to achieve a landscape that is both beautiful and healthy, for its human and non-human residents. We prioritize projects in which the resident-owner’s philosophy aligns with ours and offer maintenance only on gardens we design and install.

If one of the following situations applies to you, The Dirt Diva can help!

1) You’d like a vegetable or perennial garden designed and built. 

2) You’d like to rehab your existing edible or ornamental gardens to make them function better. 

3) You’d like to learn how to take care of your landscape or gardens. Garden coaching, what I call “Dirt Therapy” is a great way to learn while doing. One-on-one instruction geared toward your interests and property. 

4) You’d like an ecological garden consultation. Tailored on-site advice and troubleshooting, design and maintenance tips, plant identification are some of the topics we can cover during a consult

5) You need help establishing or maintaining an orchard.

6) You’d like to rehab your compost system, or start a new one. I can also help you assess your soil and have it tested for nutrients.

7) Adrianne is also available for workshops and lectures for your community group or school.

Photo credit: Shayna Benskie

What will our services cost? The best way to determine that is to contact Adrianne directly, so we can discuss the details of your project. I offer a free on-site assessment during which we’ll discuss your intentions and needs. Please understand we can’t take all projects we assess, and a visit doesn’t guarantee we’ll be able to take on your project.

Have a product or service to trade? We will consider barter for our services.